
The Dilemma of Medical Waste

U.S. health care facilities dispose more than 5 million tons of waste each year

June 9, 2022

In addition to overseeing cleaning and maintenance, facility managers at hospitals and other heath care buildings are responsible for the safe disposal of garbage including medical waste. The methods by which facility managers handle medical waste disposal have a direct impact on employee’s health and the environment, Healthcare Facilities Today reports.

Although 85% of medical waste is nonhazardous, health care facilities dispose of most of it through burning and incineration, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Incinerated medical waste is responsible for much of the harmful particulate matter in the air. However, if this waste isn’t burned, items such as discarded medications and sharps could end up in community waterways, increasing the risk of injuries and spreading disease. 

U.S. health care facilities dispose more than 5 million tons of waste each year. And that amount is expected to increase every year. Sales of medical waste containers are expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6% by 2031, reaching US$36 billion.

To accommodate the increase in medical waste, health care facility managers must create a disposal plan that fits within their facilities’ workflow. By collaborating with and educating employees, they can identify specific areas of improvement and set relevant safety and sustainability goals that align with regulatory guidance. For instance, they can investigate methods of diverting certain plastics and other types of waste from landfills

“The primary goal of medical waste management is and always will be preventing infection and keeping people safe,” said Jim Anderson, vice president of commercial strategy with Stericycle. “The challenge for healthcare facilities now is identifying how to manage waste sustainably, while still keeping health and safety as their North Star. One way healthcare organizations can start to do so is to seek reusable resources instead of single use plastics where appropriate.” 

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