
Survey: The Pandemic Has Improved Americans’ Cleaning Habits

Millennials spend the most time cleaning and are the most likely to say the pandemic has improved their cleaning routines

March 25, 2021

Americans (61%), especially young adults, believe the COVID-19 pandemic has improved their cleaning habits, according to a new survey of 2,000 U.S. adults conducted on behalf of SC Johnson.  

Half (50%) of respondents have adopted new cleaning routines during the pandemic. Those cleaning more often do so an average of two extra hours each week compared to pre-pandemic routines, and more than half (54%) of Americans expect to keep up their new routines. 

Families are cleaning together

The survey shows families today are cleaning more together, with more than four in 10 (44%) parents reporting that their children are helping clean more than before the pandemic. Nearly three-quarters (71%) of parents said they expect their children to continue to help as much as they did during the pandemic.

“At SC Johnson, our goal is to create a healthier world by educating and enabling people on cleaning and hygiene so that they can respond to this pandemic and future public health threats,” said Alan VanderMolen, SC Johnson Senior Vice President and Chief Communications Officer. “We are encouraged to see families are working together to improve and maintain their cleaning habits because healthier homes create healthier communities and a better world.”

Younger generations enjoy cleaning

Among the younger generations participating in more cleaning are millennials, who have adopted new regimens they enjoy and are doing so more frequently than any other age group. Millennials are spending the most time cleaning each week (8.2 hours/week) and are most likely to say the pandemic has improved their cleaning habits. 

The survey also revealed new cleaning trends and habits that have emerged due to the pandemic. Additional findings include: 

  • Younger generations enjoy cleaning more than their parents’ generations: An overwhelming majority of millennials (75%) and Generation Z (82%) respondents say they enjoy cleaning, almost double what baby boomers (46%) and matures (40%) say.
  • Americans are spending more time than ever cleaning: Americans are spending an average of six hours each week cleaning their homes with nearly nine in 10 (89%) being satisfied with the cleanliness of their home.
  • When Americans have the time to clean, they find it enjoyable: Those who are cleaning more often are spending two extra hours each week compared to pre-pandemic, with nearly seven in 10 respondents (67%) saying they enjoy cleaning.
  • Consumers are paying close attention to surfaces: Cleaning doorknobs and handles has become the leading routine that is being done more often (45%), along with hand sanitizer and germ-killing products being purchased more now than before the pandemic. The top three areas getting cleaned more during the pandemic are doorknobs and handles, kitchens, and bathrooms.


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