
Have You Thoroughly Cleaned These Vacation Germ Hotspots?

May 26, 2022

The summer vacation season kicks off this weekend. Is your cleaning staff doing its part in keeping vacationers healthy?

Reckitt, parent company of Reckitt Professional, recently issued a report detailing the most contaminated surfaces on planes and in hotels. Lysol Pro Solutions’ team of scientists used an adenosine triphosphate (ATP) analysis to measure contamination levels on surfaces in 10 planes, one airport, and 15 hotels across the country. Here are the top three germiest hotspots based on contamination in each environment:

  • Hotel rooms:
  1. Toilet handles
  2. (tied) TV remotes, doorknobs
  3. (tied) Desktops, fridge handles, nightstands.
  • Hotel common areas:
  1. Elevator buttons
  2. Luggage cart handrails
  3. (tied) Bathroom doors, front desks, elevator handrails.
  • Airport check-in lobby:
  1. Pin pad at check-in kiosks
  2. Check-in countertops
  3. Baggage office countertops.
  • Plane passenger area:
  1. (tied) Seatbelt buckles, window shade handles
  2. Tray table latch
  3. Overhead air vent dials.

“In this era of heightened germ awareness, activities such as using public transport and staying in a hotel still concern many Americans,” said Dr. Lisa Ackerley, director of medical and scientific engagement and hygiene at Reckitt’s Lysol Pro Solutions. “It’s critical that businesses in these sectors understand how germs spread in hotels and planes and take the necessary steps to make people feel confident as they return to travelling this summer. This should include a combination of facility-led hygiene protocols that are targeted on the right hotspots at the right time, and equipping customers and staff with the products and education to help protect themselves and other travelers around them.”

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