
Cleaning Woes Increase as Holidays Approach

Survey finds homeowners stressed by house guest messes

November 18, 2019

Thanksgiving and the winter holidays are just around the corner. Along with the stresses of cooking large and elaborate meals, shopping, and decorating, a survey of U.S. adults commissioned by Bona found that about half (51%) would prefer not to host house guests to avoid extra home cleaning. Others shared stories about extreme house guest messes.

Although a majority (76%) of survey respondents appreciate that house guests pitch in with the cleaning, they admit the guests don’t leave the home in the same condition as before they arrived. Millennial respondents (age 23-38) are more likely to invest in a professional cleaning service after their guests depart rather than before they arrive (54-55%), compared to respondents older than 45 (44-46%).

Several survey respondents had stories about destructive house guest behavior, such as one guest who turned on the bathtub faucet but forgot to shut it off, flooding the house and damaging the floor. Another guest, while attempting to do a headstand, spilled cooking oil all over the kitchen floor and table, leaving the table with permanent stains.

Bona suggests the following tips to protect your home against house guests:

  • Write a list of upkeep rules for each room and place it in a visible place.
  • Label supplies with their uses for guests who want to do daily quick cleanings.
  • Give guests special instructions related to touchy toilets, faulty tubs, leaky faucets, and temperamental kitchen appliances.
  • Talk in advance with guests about favorite household features, politely asking for their help in keeping these intact during their visit, i.e. newly finished wood floors, remodeled tiled bathrooms, and custom light fixtures.
  • Avoid tracking dust, dirt, and messes into the home by placing mats at all major entryways.

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