
Help Your Employees Stay Hydrated

July 15, 2020

As summer heat up, it’s important to help your employees stay hydrated on the job, especially those who perform cleaning and maintenance tasks outdoors.

Nearly 86% of workers believe it is their employer’s responsibility to provide a workplace water station that is cleaned and serviced regularly, according to a national survey conducted by The Harris Poll, on behalf of Cintas Corp. 

“Having a sanitary water system supports employee wellness while reducing plastic waste within a facility,” said Sean Mulcahey, marketing manager, Cintas.

In addition to wellness, nearly half (46%) of employees believe their productivity would improve if their employer provided a water station, according to the 2017 survey.

Research on the connection between hydration and productivity has found that 1% dehydration can decrease productivity by 12%, and a 3 to 4% dehydration contributes to a 25% decline in productivity.

The American Heart Association says keeping the body hydrated helps the heart more easily pump blood through the blood vessels to the muscles, and helps the muscles work efficiently.

Workers not only expect employers to provide a water station on the job, they also expect it to be sanitary, but some have their doubts about hygiene. According to the Harris Poll, among those who have a water station at work, a third do not believe the water filter at their workplace water station is changed regularly.

In addition to providing a clean and regularly serviced water station, employers can encourage employees to stay hydrated by providing them with their own reusable water containers or stocking the breakroom with low- or no-sugar beverages and water-rich nutritious fruits and vegetables.

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