
2014 In-house/Facility Manager Survey Offers Insight Into Overall Market

Our goal when developing this new survey was to understand the entire JanSan market better.

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The staff at Cleaning & Maintenance Management revamped its old benchmarking survey in an effort to more accurately gauge the modern trends and issues affecting the market and the professionals that operate within the JanSan industry.

When developing the new in-house/facility manager survey, our goal was not only to uncover the informational needs of these end-users, but we also wanted to gain clarity on the overall market’s current condition and direction and how these factors affect in-house departments.

This snapshot of the market helps CMM develop educational resources for the entire industry.

The following pages will help in-house managers and professional cleaners understand the commonalities and differences they share with their peers so they can operate in a more efficient and effective manner.

Interesting Findings

According to this survey, an interesting response that is affecting all facility types identified in the survey when asked to rate industry issues as most affecting their organization, “improving productivity/efficiencies” was identified as very important.

When segmented out these were the actual results of respondents who believe improving productivity/efficiencies is a very important issue: Education: K-12, 81 percent; Education: College/University, 82.6 percent; Healthcare: Hospital, 90 percent; Healthcare: Long-term, 80 percent; and Office/Government, 72.7 percent.

Health and safety also ranked high as a very important issue across all of these facility types.

Interestingly, according to the survey, the majority of the healthcare segments’ respondents noted that operating budgets actually increased from 2013-2014, compared to the majority of education and office/government facilities, which remained “flat year over year.”

However, even with higher operating budgets, the majority of healthcare respondents also reported that their starting and hourly wages were lower than the majority of their education and office/government counterparts.

According to our survey, the average hourly wages in the healthcare segments are: Healthcare: Hospital, $10-$10.99; Healthcare: Long-term, $13-$13.99.

The average hourly wage among the majority of Office/Government and Education: College/University respondents is over $20. For Education: K-12, there was a first place tie between $12-$12.99, $13-$13.99 and over $20.

Open-ended Feedback

In addition to the multiple choice questions, we also asked two important open-ended questions to conclude our survey: What technology and/or innovation has positively impacted your facility in the past few years and What do you think are the three most critical issues facing the in-house/facility management industry today?

For the top technologies making the biggest impact in recent years, the following popular innovations came to the forefront:

  • ATP testing equipment

  • Software, such as CMMS and workloading

  • Green cleaning/sustainable initiatives

  • Tablets and smartphones

  • Microfiber.

As for the most important critical issues facing the in-house/facility management industry today, the three most common responses include:

  • Budgets

  • Costs

  • Staffing issues.

We thank all of those who took the time and effort to complete our survey and we hope you find these results useful to your operations.

Register for our site now to view the entire report, with all its graphs, numbers, facts and figures.


Posted On February 6, 2014
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2014 In-house/Facility Manager Survey Offers Insight Into Overall Market
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